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How to Holistically Heal a Case of the Flu

        It's summer, the sun is shining bright and the stars shine just as bright at night. People get sunburns, tans, cute swimsuits and are free to live in the warm weather. But in my case the summer still leaves me with the weeks upon weeks of sickness where I have to look out the window at the warm sunshine thinking "damn I wanna run be in the blazing heat right now" and then I start having a coughing fit. Haha, so I personally like to be a little more holistic when it comes to medicine and all that but weather you take Dayquil or not shouldn't affect your choice to follow my sick "routine". So here are My top tips and tricks on healing quickly if your sick and need a boost of healing power! 1.    Kick Ass medicine         I know with the name i'm seem a little bit intense but i'm not joking when I'm saying you need to buy this stuff. It's actually called kick ass too and I can tell you guys that this stuff is the absolute best...
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Life’s been absolutely crazy.....

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productivity, discipline and how I have none.

        so it's been a month.... again. I know I said I would be back and I'm slacking again and the simple answer to all my problems, become a productivity and discipline Boss Bitch . So what happened to my daydreams of writing about my writing and good books....don't worry it's still coming... but for the lifestyle, I'm coming for ya. I've got to improve my productivity and really get to it. I've been extremely productive in the past but today I'm taking on the challenge of my dream morning routine.... so here's the schedule. 5:45 wake up 5:50 make bed 6:00 yoga 6:30 shower After that, I would get to's simple efficient and still could fit really nicely for a productive start of the day. So I'm going to take this schedule on for a full week (excluding weekends of course). I'm guilty of reaching straight for the electronics and laying in bed well watching shows and looking at social media. the simple solution to not do this is t

Long time no See

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Reset challenge: Home

Welcome or welcome back!                         This week in my reset challenge it was all about resetting my house. Cleaning up and just getting it prepared for everything to come this year. Now I decided I wanted to do a total re-do of my room for this to completely reset your space. A note is that I 100% did not finish as I only painted the walls. Not even getting to the carpet shampooing and to be honest even that painting isn't done. But here's how everything went.             I got everything boxed up not thinking about decluttering just yet throwing it into another room and I called it a day. Next, I moved the furniture out getting the room completely cleaned off and prepared for the painting process when it came to. it was a finally a good evening when I put the paint on the alls for the first time. I had only seen my walls with the same hideous purple (no offense to anyone who likes purple) But for me, I hated looking at them every day.     When I picked out my pa

What Video Games can teach you about living a Meaningful Life

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My 5 AM Morning Rountine

Welcome back or welcome! When I started my Reset my Life challenge I went to tackle habits one of them being sleep. I wanted to make sure that I was fully productive and waking up and getting to it always set me upright. I feel that it is important to be productive especially when first waking to starting your morning right. So I First start out by waking up and making my bed getting straight away. I then go to the kitchen and make my green tea. I set out everything the night before. I head to my room and well drinking my green tea I do my morning pages and look at my schedule and goals for the day. Once I am done with that part of my morning I put on my workout clothes and head to the gym. If you want to know my fitness routine Check here. After the gym, I come home to shower and get dressed for the day. Then I start to do my day's work of studying and writing. I know that this post is short but I like to keep things simple. Easy. Yet Productive. I love that in this v