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Showing posts from May, 2019

productivity, discipline and how I have none.

        so it's been a month.... again. I know I said I would be back and I'm slacking again and the simple answer to all my problems, become a productivity and discipline Boss Bitch . So what happened to my daydreams of writing about my writing and good books....don't worry it's still coming... but for the lifestyle, I'm coming for ya. I've got to improve my productivity and really get to it. I've been extremely productive in the past but today I'm taking on the challenge of my dream morning routine.... so here's the schedule. 5:45 wake up 5:50 make bed 6:00 yoga 6:30 shower After that, I would get to's simple efficient and still could fit really nicely for a productive start of the day. So I'm going to take this schedule on for a full week (excluding weekends of course). I'm guilty of reaching straight for the electronics and laying in bed well watching shows and looking at social media. the simple solution to not do this is t