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Reset challenge: Home

Welcome or welcome back!           

             This week in my reset challenge it was all about resetting my house. Cleaning up and just getting it prepared for everything to come this year. Now I decided I wanted to do a total re-do of my room for this to completely reset your space. A note is that I 100% did not finish as I only painted the walls. Not even getting to the carpet shampooing and to be honest even that painting isn't done. But here's how everything went.

            I got everything boxed up not thinking about decluttering just yet throwing it into another room and I called it a day. Next, I moved the furniture out getting the room completely cleaned off and prepared for the painting process when it came to. it was a finally a good evening when I put the paint on the alls for the first time. I had only seen my walls with the same hideous purple (no offense to anyone who likes purple) But for me, I hated looking at them every day.

    When I picked out my paint I made sure to look for a while because I wanted the perfect shade. I ended up with a white with a light gray and blue hint. It's very light subtle hints of those colors but it was absolutely perfect. My ceiling still needs to be touched up and my baseboards as well. I've been saving up for a while so this room is not a 100% need. you can totally just declutter and get to it that way but this was my preferred option because of how long I've wanted to do this.

       But Because I completely didn't get that done there will be a room reveal as soon as it's done. I am so excited for it to be done and to stop sleeping on my couch.

As for my habits, I did fairly well 2 exercise days 7 days of making the bed and getting up earlier and 4 days of healthy eating. I wish I could've been more on top of the exercising as I know it helps my energy levels but the week happened already and this one I will continue to work towards it

 "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
-- Winston S. Churchill


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