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Showing posts from December, 2017

Eco Swap: Toliet Paper

  Welcome back! So I know I said Saturday again but I moved it forward a day because I had something important come up. So I figured a day early wouldn't be so bad. Sorry again for the early post.    So as we all know about and use toilet paper and that is why I decided to make this the topic of the Eco swap because it is such a big impact that all of us can change. In fact average Americans use 50 pounds of toilet paper in a year and 57 squares per day. That's 399 squares per week and 1596 squares per month. If you use toilet paper then you should know the cost and how much you destroy the earth don't feel bad though because you have the chance to save it. Right now America's toilet paper sales stand at seven billion rolls per year sold. If we don't do something things could get bad. That's why I encourage you to switch an alternative route than toilet paper. Some of you may be confused when it comes to this topic because well toilet paper dissolves well yes

Eco Swaps Chemical-Free Cleaners

    Welcome to the first edition of Eco Swaps! I know I said Saturday but I couldn't help myself expect another Eco swap Saturday!     So as we all know that cleaners have harsh chemicals in them that harm you. And that is why I wanted to start off the topic of cleaners. So there are plenty recipes out there. But I personally wanted to share a few that I like or use currently. You can actually buy some too if your not into Making stuff yourself even if its simple. I will provide links at the end of the post. But anyway Cleaners are a must when it comes to being Eco friendly. So lets get Started!  Things needed for the all purpose cleaner . Vinegar . Melalueca Oil A.K.A Tea Tree Oil . Baking soda . Any Scent wanted like citrus 2 Tbs of baking soda 1/2 cup vinegar 2 cups water And 10- 15 drops of tea tree oil or Melalueca Once mixed you'll have a all purpose cleaner! Don't worry about fizzing and foaming up during the mixing process and don't use the clean

The Story of Almost every American

    Hello and Welcome back or Welcome!     In society there are millions of people all of which use things with extreme over the top packaging and trash. We live in a world where it's normal to fill the landfills and not give a worry in the world about it. I personally would never tell anyone how to live there life. But I would try and influence it and encourage living with no waste or down sizing their waste at least. But just take a second to think about it. It's so much easier to save our earth. Rather then trying to find ways to fix it with chemicals. Which would eventually backfire and do more harm then good. I mean even if you produce 50 pounds of trash in a month you are making 50% less trash that an average American makes in a week.      I am just saying that you don't have to go head in and do it all. Just start by reducing it. It's the most important part of it all in this process. Just start small say no more paper plates, bowls or napkins replace those