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Showing posts from January, 2019

Reset challenge: Home

Welcome or welcome back!                         This week in my reset challenge it was all about resetting my house. Cleaning up and just getting it prepared for everything to come this year. Now I decided I wanted to do a total re-do of my room for this to completely reset your space. A note is that I 100% did not finish as I only painted the walls. Not even getting to the carpet shampooing and to be honest even that painting isn't done. But here's how everything went.             I got everything boxed up not thinking about decluttering just yet throwing it into another room and I called it a day. Next, I moved the furniture out getting the room completely cleaned off and prepared for the painting process when it came to. it was a finally a good evening when I put the paint on the alls for the first time. I had only seen my walls with the same hideous purple (no offense to anyone who likes purple) But for me, I hated looking at them every day.     When I picked out my pa

What Video Games can teach you about living a Meaningful Life

             Most often minimalists will talk about removing things that make you unhappy. But sometimes they say that they don't have time to do the things that they love like playing video games.                    So what's the real reason for me using video games as an objective thing to teach a lesson. Well, great question but it's more about me wanting to say I had an awesome childhood and family where we would gather together in the living room and all go through 3 or 4 dungeons on World of Warcraft or Guild of wars 2 or whatever game we were playing together at the time. Well, I do wish we still did this I know the benefits of control and discipline (as well as how awesome my parents are).               When you love video games there is a difference between loving and choosing. You want to play them every hour of the day and that's what childhoods for right? Playing all weekend to get to the next level or just being a kid and not worrying about a job or so

My 5 AM Morning Rountine

Welcome back or welcome! When I started my Reset my Life challenge I went to tackle habits one of them being sleep. I wanted to make sure that I was fully productive and waking up and getting to it always set me upright. I feel that it is important to be productive especially when first waking to starting your morning right. So I First start out by waking up and making my bed getting straight away. I then go to the kitchen and make my green tea. I set out everything the night before. I head to my room and well drinking my green tea I do my morning pages and look at my schedule and goals for the day. Once I am done with that part of my morning I put on my workout clothes and head to the gym. If you want to know my fitness routine Check here. After the gym, I come home to shower and get dressed for the day. Then I start to do my day's work of studying and writing. I know that this post is short but I like to keep things simple. Easy. Yet Productive. I love that in this v

Mental Minimalism and My Buying Method

          Welcome back to another post on minimalism!               Sometimes when people think about minimalism they don't realize the mental feeling and actions we take that pair. I may not know exactly what everyone does to get there mind cleared and feeling fresh but I can tell you what I do.             Usually when it comes to minimalism People and me started to declutter and the physical world usually comes first when it comes to it. So if you haven't then I would. The physical world is hard to not focus on at times. Focusing, in general, can even be difficult but being present at the moment can help things and relieve the pressure you may be experiencing.            When I first decluttered things felt amazing. The room felt more open and my mind was so much more clear. But the first time didn't stop the feeling. I put everything out of the room that I was getting rid and suddenly a rush of fresh, clarifying open breeze just passes by. It's most common f

My Reading List for 2019

  Every Year we have these new goals to change and some even making reading goals like how many books they want to read this year. Reading a book a month or even making a reading list like me. This is my Reading list for 2019. 1. The Minimalist House I've heard great things about this book and the concept of a book going into detail with each room specific decluttering is interesting to me. 2. You Are a Badass This book has honestly always enticed me and I've questioned reading it for quite some time but after all the good things I heard about it I really wanted to read it. 3. Big Magic: Creative Living beyond fear I Originally heard about this book on numerous Youtube channels. I am currently reading this one and I 100% recommend it. 4. Rise and Grind When it comes to this book it wasn't initially on my list but I found an amazing deal for the audiobook. Around new years there was a 2 for 1. Don't worry if you didn't catch it though you can sti

Fearless of Failure + Update

      I love these cheesy video posts on youtube with inspiring music, statements, quotes, and visuals. Oh gosh, they 've really changed me every time. They make me rethink everything, they make me think about the change in the first place and I am more than passionate for those four minutes. I listened to one and it made me so proud to be a writer of this blog. I felt So just inspired to be one person who's changed 1 more than the next person who didn't try.          I tried though I was scared, I pushed through I had fear and every time I put up a post I see 3 of the same people who want change, who feel it in there bones that they need it. So they change and they do it because of me. They change not only because they want it not only because they need to. Not even because they found my post but because they Believe in it. They believe in me and my posts and most importantly         They believe in change and I am so proud to even be involved slightly.

Reset Challenge: Habits

       Welcome to the first edition of my Reset Challenge. This week I was trying to update and challenge myself to Fix my habits.           Now I will say that I could've planned the timing better but I thought just start now. I am currently re-doing my room (wet paint on the walls now). So I've had to sleep on the couch for 4ish nights now. So Hopefully I will get to sleep in my bedroom soon. But It didn't keep me from stopping my habit change goal. For my habits, I am going with Reading 10 pages per day Morning pages every day Practicing guitar every day Making the bed Exercising 6 days For reading every day I completely and utterly failed. I must've read 3 pages the entire week out of the book but I did listen to about 15 minutes of an Audiobook. For morning pages I also didn't do that great I wrote Four pages out of Seven. Then again not the worst I could've done I did great with practicing every day. I played the guitar for 342 minutes this week. I use Yo

My Self-care Rountine

   Hello and welcome to this post, I have been really excited to write this post and share my self-care routine. So here is my average to-do list and a few opinions of sort.    I always have my self-care days on Sundays and usually every week but sometimes I need a little extra so I take Saturday as a self-care day too. But Almost every time it's just Sunday.      So The first thing I do is delay my wake-up time from Saturday evening to Sunday morning by 1 hour. So instead of waking up at 5 I will wake up at 6-6:30.         As soon as I wake-up I rip the sheets off my bed and move on to the laundry room where I put my sheets and clothes from the week in. It takes an 1 and 1/2 for washing so I use this time to start the cleaning process. I Go up and wash my face, brush my hair and teeth and put on a face mask if I have one.         Now it's for the tidying portion of the day. I go to my room sort out everything and just get my stuff together. File papers that are on my floor an

Why Minimalism is Important to me

         So I myself have talked a little bit about my journey into minimalism at the point. Which if I looked into my life now would be crazy. My closet had exploded with art supplies and I was tired of it so I decided to change. Soon after I got rid of most of it and decided to just dedicate a small space for my craft supplies. I don't use most of it still as much as I would like but it 100% has a purpose. (why I've kept it and tutorial - coming soon).                  Since it was the new year I wanted to get back into my minimalistic ways I decided to get rid of stuff and get things back in order. I separated things the Marie Kondo way and I love it. Now that the Marie Kondo show has come out de-cluttering her way has become almost "trendy". Which I kinda hate in some ways to be honest. I mean 100% I love others de-cluttering and if this does it for you great but I really wish more people had dedicated to before the show. I guess for me it's annoying how it p

5 New Habits To Pick up this year

 With the new year rolling around so quickly people all around the world dream of the actions they will take in the coming year. But with expectations and no determination many will fail. Stay strong with determination and intention you can do anything. so here's my top 5 habits to pick up this year that will change your life and a couple tips to stick to them. 1.Morning pages Morning pages is a continuous flow of conscious writing. I started doing morning pages about 1 year ago. In my year of doing morning pages I've felt alot more clear minded. all you have to is get a journal and a pen or you could even go digital. I like writing it out on paper because there is no backspace button but it's really up to you. 2.Drinking more water I know this one is kinda of obvious but it's something I struggle to do even now. It's not that I hate drinking it, in fact I love it. but I just don't think of it. A few things that I do to remember is to place sticky notes

What I Eat in a day + Fitness rountine

Welcome back         On the average day I like to keep my diet with Low Carbs and High protein since I do workout pretty hard everyday. The only thing that's very consistent is that I eat the same breakfast every morning. 3 Pieces Turkey Bacon   The brand i linked is completely chemical-free and tastes amazing 1 Egg yolk and all, though i am considering 2 egg whites instead 1/2 Cup of whatever fruit we have on hand. Usually some kiwi and berries For my lunches I have a couple different things.             Sometimes I eat salad or go out for some pizza. Honestly its complete changing everyday. On the weekend I usually relax a bit (Sunday especially). I eat Pizza and whole bunch of stuff. Sunday is my prepare for the week day as well as my pamper day. So I like to have some fun with what I eat. I may not eat the healthiest on the weekends but I do make sure the ingredients are 100% free of chemicals.  A note as well is that I am allergic to dairy so I get a dairy-free cheese for the

Reset My life Challenge Part 1- Introductory

             Welcome or welcome back! This is the first part of my Reset Challenge.               So yesterday's post was all about Recovering from burning out. But sometimes that's not enough. Sometimes you need to start from the basics of what need to get done and move up from there. So I will be particapating and blogging my expierence as well as Giving my tips on what I learned through that week of the process. Week 1: Habits Week 2: Home Week 3: Decluttering Week 4: Vision board+Productivity Week 5: Health Week 6: Admin Life week                                                                                                                                                                                So at the end of this week on the January 19th, 2019. You'll see the post from my first week pop up. I am excited to be working on this and hopefully getting everything I need to in order. I can't wait to change everything and get on the best productivity level that

I am Back + Reset Routine

           It's been awhile since I last posted something on here and  I  am so thrilled to say that I am finally back the last year has been crazy difficult and hard on me and that's why I needed sometime off. With time I lost my productiveness but did some major achievements. For instance I wrote a book! I myself have always loved writing but it hit me that I should just go for it. At the time I was not in a great place and needed to prove to myself that I could actually do something. Nanowrimo was just what I needed to prove it. I am not releasing that book but plan to write a book or three this year as it's one of my resolutions. It's 10 days into the new year and I already feel worn out and just not like I am capable of doing anything. I need more discipline in my life. So I am going to tell you my 4 step plan on how I reset from that burnt out feeling.          To the process there are Four steps. Self-care, Downtime, Clean up and Re-Inspiring yourself is all I