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How to Holistically Heal a Case of the Flu

      It's summer, the sun is shining bright and the stars shine just as bright at night. People get sunburns, tans, cute swimsuits and are free to live in the warm weather. But in my case the summer still leaves me with the weeks upon weeks of sickness where I have to look out the window at the warm sunshine thinking "damn I wanna run be in the blazing heat right now" and then I start having a coughing fit. Haha, so I personally like to be a little more holistic when it comes to medicine and all that but weather you take Dayquil or not shouldn't affect your choice to follow my sick "routine". So here are My top tips and tricks on healing quickly if your sick and need a boost of healing power!

1.  Kick Ass medicine
      I know with the name i'm seem a little bit intense but i'm not joking when I'm saying you need to buy this stuff. It's actually called kick ass too and I can tell you guys that this stuff is the absolute best...I love it. It always boosts my immune system and leaves me better in half the time if my cold just was left to be. The one down fall is the taste. It's one of the most disgusting things in that way but if you take it like a shot and then drink something after to get rid of the taste it's not that bad...just like taking a shot really.

2. Intentional Resting
     Don't get me wrong I love to Just lay around all day watching shows but when i'm sick I want to fill myself with some positive energy. Don't get me wrong I totally am not saying NO TV EVER! I'm saying be intentional before anything else. Get a journal and write out a journal prompt or update your goals and get pumped for when you can get back to it. Be really into working with the flow of positivity and avoid negative thoughts like I will never get better or stuff along that line. Your gonna get better and staying positive is key.

3. Meditation and Yoga
So when i'm not sick I love just working out. Listening to your body but still pushing yourself to a certain point. Working out is almost a part of my identity in a sense. So it makes sense that when i'm sick I hate not being able to work out and really feeling like myself in that sense. So when i'm sick or feeling like I need a boost or just want to pace myself a bit I do yoga and I have to admit that yoga is something I should do more often because it's so beneficial. But the simple fact is I don't do it enough and i'm trying to improve in that department. Now meditation, I'm still working on this habit and when i'm sick I take full on advantage of it. I try to work on it because I feel so in line with myself when I finish 5 even 10 minutes of meditation. I recommend Calm for all of your meditation needs.

4. Diet affects
When I'm not sick I try my absolute hardest to not be unhealthy. Obviously I have a sustainable diet (more on that later). But what you eat affects you in a ton of ways and to be honest It's something i'm working out for myself still to this point. But when your immune system and body is in such a weak state please just try your best to eat better because it's a big effect to you when your sick or not.

5. Baths
Taking hot baths is really beneficial for people with Flem. But with the relaxation and some bath salts you can be adding benefits for other symptoms to your Flu. I recommend them for when your not sick and need a stress reliever as well, I'm not sure about any super good bath salt brands. I buy mine from a small local store.

6. Reading + Music
I think taking in positive vibes when your sick is really important as I've mentioned. But taking in new information is something I don’t do enough of I really enjoy reading, pleasure or otherwise.  I love reading even though when I’m not sick I don’t get to do it as much as I would like too. So of course when I’m sick I take control of the options to read. Something I also love to do is listen to music. It’s practically a hobby of mine to listen to music, if your looking for a good song I recommend beautiful crime by tamer...a personal favorite of mine. 

7.Be Patient

And last but not least just be patient with yourself and your body. I have a very weak immune system....its always been this way for me. So I always am amped up and ready to go, go , go some more but my body has a different plan. So take a few deep breathes whenever you feel frustrated with the situation. 

Sorry this post took so long, my schedule is still crazy and my laptop Broke, it will take a week before I receive it in the mail so until then my post will take longer, again sorry for the delay.

-stay positive


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